I observe that I don't source any file under /etc/X11/xinitrc.d/. Logme i XINIT 'the path $I3_PATH/$I3_S_CONFIG doesn't exist' If is_defined XINIT 'silent' I3_BUILD_CONF_PATH $I3_BUILD_CONF_PATH & file_paths_exist XINIT 'silent' $I3_BUILD_CONF_PATH then # launch clipnotify to get saved any selection in $MHOME/$MUSER.logĮcho -e '\n$(date +%Y_%m_%d):\n' > $MHOME/$MUSER.log If is_defined XINIT 'silent' WALLPAPER_PATH $WALLPAPER_PATH & file_paths_exist XINIT 'silent' $WALLPAPER_PATH then Xrandr -output $MONITOR_DEVICE -dpi $DPI_DEVICE If file_paths_exist XINIT 'silent' $XENV_PATH then Is_defined XINIT 'silent' MONITOR_EXT1 $MONITOR_EXT1 Is_defined XINIT 'silent' MONITOR_DEVICE $MONITOR_DEVICE
If file_paths_exist XINIT 'silent' $MONITOR_DETECTION_PATH then MONITOR_DETECTION_PATH=$MHOME/dev/bash/monitors_detection.sh If file_paths_exist XINIT 'silent' $COMPTON_CONF_PATH then It makes i3bar transparentĬOMPTON_CONF_PATH=$MHOME/.config/nf # execute compton, a standalone composite manager for X11, suitable for use with window managers such as i3. #use resolvconf to copy the content of to nf # set the dns servers to the /etc/nf file Xset dpms $X_STANDBYTIME $X_SUSPENDTIME $X_OFFTIME # dpms (Display Power Management Signaling)